Category: Bikepacking & Events

(Gastblog) Bikepacking Maastricht – Eifel – Brussel

Enkele weken geleden kreeg ik, Gabrie, een mail van Frederik met een aantal vragen over de kwaliteit van de routes door Zuid Limburg. Door de wateroverlast van afgelopen zomer zijn er enkele stukken moeilijk begaanbaar geworden en Frederik wilde natuurlijk graag weten wat er wel en niet mogelijk was. Na een aantal mails heen en weer en nog een tip van mij om ook nog een stukje Eifel mee te pakken van een bestaande route

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TrueGrit Komoot Grally Veluwe

Verslag van de TrueGrit Komoot Grally op de Veluwe van 24 okt 2021. Door Menno Hartog. De TrueGrit Komoot Grally is natuurlijk de perfecte uitdaging voor twee ervaren komootgebruikers als Menno en Gabrie. De opdracht voor deze Grally is om zelf een route te maken tussen door TrueGrit aangeleverde punten op de Veluwe. De pret begint al met het voorbereiden van de route, de samenwerking loopt zoals altijd vlot met ons twee. Spontaan was er

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Fietserpad by Aimee

By: Aimee van Uden Early March 2020 I decided to ride “Het Fietserpad” on my own. After doing a few multi-day bikepacking trips with Gabrie, I wanted to experience a bikepacking trip all by myself. I choose a 620km trip from the most northern place in the Netherlands to the most southern place. As the route would be mostly on asphalt with long stretches of gravel, I decided to use my Canyon Gravelgrail for this

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Scotland – Cairngorms Loop

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Morbi fringilla mi ut odio finibus, et hendrerit mauris placerat. Integer tincidunt nisi eu ultrices convallis. Suspendisse placerat dui et nulla viverra luctus. Nullam facilisis mauris a risus laoreet ornare. Sed lobortis rutrum purus, a hendrerit orci porttitor a. Proin tincidunt est nec orci pellentesque, feugiat maximus est porta. Nunc fermentum nulla ac posuere luctus. Maecenas condimentum metus risus, vitae elementum eros imperdiet in. In mi lectus,

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Rehearsal Bikepacker

In may 2019 we did a short rehearsal bike packing trip to get aquatinted with our gear before we would be going to Scotland for a real trip. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Morbi fringilla mi ut odio finibus, et hendrerit mauris placerat. Integer tincidunt nisi eu ultrices convallis. Suspendisse placerat dui et nulla viverra luctus. Nullam facilisis mauris a risus laoreet ornare. Sed lobortis rutrum purus, a hendrerit orci porttitor a.

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Riding the alps on my racebike

I’ve been cycling since I was fifteen, but I never went to the Alps in France and climb some real cols. Finally I got to make the trip. Together with Aimee, I planned a week long bike riding in France. We first went to the Mont Ventoux and then moved up, to go to the Alps. There we stayed a few days to climb some big cols.

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2nd Offgrid Gravel Series Limburg

On May 13th 2018, the second gravel series was held in Banholt. Again a great tour that crossed almost no asphalt, which is just awesome in such a populated area. I very much enjoyed this ride just as the first one. Not too many riders but just enough to find someone to hook up with for a few kms. In the beginning I tried to keep up with the first group but I soon felt

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Offgrid Gravel Series Limburg

March 25 in 2018, I rode my first gravel tour together with my cycling friend, Aimee. I rented a Specialized Diverge sport e5 2018 and Aimee rode her MTB. I was immediately taken by the excellent combination of racing speed and MTB technique through the Limburger country side.

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Hello Bike!

May 2015 I suddenly thought: “Let’s try that old bike again that’s been standing in the garage for ages”. I dusted off my bike, pinched the brakes, inflated the tires, got dressed and went on my way. That first ride was quite painful but I immediately got that old feeling back of enjoying nature while on my bike. Since then I started riding my bike more often and joined in some organised road rides. Then

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